After midnight still many stations active, signals also improve on the 76 mtrs.
Now in the evening R.Five has a good signal here in the north.
3910: Weekend Music.R at 0020, SINPO 24322
3926: Westcoast.R at 2137 UTC, music but very low signal and noisy band, SINPO 14211
3927: Delta.R Gelderland, mx by Golden earing – I wanna go go go, SINPO 35434
3927: Zender Delmare at 0022, making a QSO with Delta.R, SINPO 13231
6306: R.Brandaris at 0015 UTC, playing Dutch music, SINPO 33323
6310: R.Five with jingles and Dutch music at 1746 UTC, SINPO 34343. First time i hear this station
6400: Weekend Music.R parallell to 3910 khz, at 0021 UTC, SINPO 33222
14 hours ago