Saturday, February 4, 2023

Antenna mast broken.

On Monday January 16, the antenna mast in which I have a double discone antenna suddenly broke. I was out taking the rubbish to the bin when I heard a strange noise, and I saw what happened. The next day I dismantled the mast and antenna. The mast was repairable, I took the angle grinder and cut off the damaged part of the section about 50 - 60 cm. Drilled some new holes and it was usable again, just a little shorter. The Discone antenna was in bad shape so I bought a new antenna. Assembled everything and up with new antenna on Wednesday January 25th. I took some photos of the event with my cell phone.

To see in larger format click on the images.

Antenna mast broken.

Repaired mast and new antenna up in the air.
Moonraker Scanking wideband vertical 25 - 2000 MHz.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Thursday 7/10

1623  UNID  at 2251 UTC, Van Halen - Jump, SINPO 25222

1638  R Bluebird  at 2254 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 35333

4870  Mystery 21  at 2259 UTC, ID at 2302 UTC, SINPO 35233

Monday 27/9

1638  R Bluebird  at 2153 UTC, Dutch-mx, polka, SINPO 35333

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Wednesday 10/2

 1638  UNID  at 2336 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 35323

Monday, February 8, 2021

Monday 8/2

 3920  R Piepzender  at 1720 UTC, ID, SINPO 25222

Saturday 7/2

 3920  R Piepzender  at 0117 UTC, Metallico, Guns & Roses, ID at 0122, SINPO 35333

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday 13/12

 3920  R Piepzender  at 0205 UTC, Dutch German-mx, ID at 0214 UTC, SINPO 35333