Monday, December 31, 2007

Monday 31/12

At the moment two Dutch stations on the 48.

6270: UNID at 1343 UTC rock and Dutch music, SINPO 33222

6310: R Condor at 1347 UTC ID and pop-mx, SINPO 24222


Anonymous said...

happy and prosperus new year from bandoeng

PJK - Peter said...

The same goes back to you Bandoeng.
I was ill during the x-mas week so not much time listening on the radio. I am slowly recovering from the worst flu i had in years.

Take care and hope to hear you soon again on MW.

Peter J

Anonymous said...

fine for the recovering peter, its quierd now i have a try in afew minutes,thanks for the wishes grt bandoeng

Anonymous said...

good morning peter did you recover already a good hot brandy wood be okay, i go up for a while see whats going on all the best ethersnuiver

PJK - Peter said...

Yes i am ok now, the flu is gone. Earlier this evening there was shortskip on 11 mtrs and fading conditions on the MW band.

73 Peter J