Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday 30/4

1653:  R Barones ?  at 2246 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 34242

3901,5:  R Delta ?  at 2248 UTC, music, SINPO 24321

5814,4:  R Royal  at 1749 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 24222

6205:  R Caroline  at 2249 UTC, Sarah Dawn Finer – Moving on, SINPO 44323

6325:  R Mustang  at 2253 UTC, Boney M, SINPO 34433

6375:  R Lowland  at 1731 UTC, ID, music, SINPO 34222

6420:  UNID  at 2254 UTC, weak music, SINPO 24221

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


lot of thanks for your log of us!!!

Hope, you might also in future be able to receive us at new name
"Radio Caroline/Rainbow International"!

Best wishes,
Radio Caroline International.