Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday 21/5

1627:  R Relmus ?  at 2158 UTC, instrumental-mx, SINPO 34333, c/d 2159 UTC

1655:  Rockefeller R  at 2102 UTC, jodel, SINPO 24232

1655:  R Northcoast  at 2152 UTC, polka, SINPO 34332

1667:  R Barones  at 2144 UTC, rock-mx, Meatloaf, SINPO 34333

3904,9:  R Alice ?  at 2354 UTC, Dutch, SINPO 35333

6285,1:  R Scotland  at 2119 UTC, pop, SINPO 45454

6290,6:  R Caroline/Rainbow  at 2206 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 33333

6300:  TRX  at 2131 UTC, blues, SINPO 44444

6305:  R Marconi  at 2114 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 44333

6309,9:  R Marconi  at 2107 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 35333, c/d 2113 UTC

6323:  R Zodiac  at 2202 UTC, blues?, SINPO 32332

6425:  R Black Bandit  at 2213 UTC, oldies, SINPO 45344

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


lot of thanks for those log of us, great!!!

Best wishes,
Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.