Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday 13/11

1630:  R Relmus  at 2031 UTC, polka, SINPO 24322

6216:  R Spaceshuttle int  at 1121 UTC, s/on, Finnish-mx, SINPO 55555 9+35 db, c/d 1253 UTC, nearly 9+40db last minutes

6239,9:  R Caroline int  at 1827 UTC, Dance-mx, SINPO 34322, a few minutes later SINPO 44444

6285:  R Underground  at 0138 UTC, Disco-mx in USB mode, SINPO 24322

6299:  R Boomerang ?  at 1041 UTC, instrumental-mx, SINPO 35332, QSY 6300 and 6305 and 6303, c/d 1111 UTC

6300:  UNID  at 2308 UTC, country-mx, SINPO 43443

6303:  R Pluto ?  at 0117 UTC, Dance-mx in LSB mode, SINPO 35433

6305:  R Powerliner  at 2309 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 44444

6305,2:  R Mazda  at 1051 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 25321

6310:  UNID Top R ?  at 0129 UTC, music but weak signal, SINPO 24221

6310:  R Paardenkracht  at 1639 UTC,Cheap Trick - I Want You To Want Me, SINPO 33333, c/d 1645 UTC

6335:  UNID  at 1304 UTC, polka, SINPO 33433

6375,2:  UNID  at 1831 UTC, Dutch or German-mx, SINPO 23221

6400:  R Scotland int  at 1027 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 34322

6510:  R Rising Sun  at 1836 UTC, music, SINPO 24321

6940:  UNID  at 2312 UTC, music, SINPO 24221

11401:  R Waves int  at 1033 UTC, EE, www address, music, SINPO 35322

12257:  Wreckin R int  at 1035 UTC, EE, oldies, SINPO 35332



Ihor said...

Hello Rick! May be Radio Pluto was on 6303 I have chattered at this time, so I have oppurtunity to saw who is who at the moment

PJK - Peter said...

Thanks for that.


Anonymous said...

Hi Peter,

lot of thanks for such log of us on 6240kcs, seems to work a bit better today (conditions)!!!!

Have a nice evening and tnx,
Radio Caroline/Rainbow International.

PJK - Peter said...

Hi Paul
Yes indeed a great day for listening to the 48m. Your signal was much better today. Powerliner is still going strong, but i decided it's time to switch off now (0100 local time) to go to bed and sleep a few hours. I must go up in less than 6 hrs and going to work.

Greetings, Peter

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the report Peter.

Greetings Relmus Radio