Friday, November 25, 2011

Thursday 24/11

6299,9:  R Osaka  at 1819 UTC, rock-mx, ID, SINPO 24322


Anonymous said...

Hi Peter,

I think, you had the same problems with conditions like we had today.
Let us hope that such conditions might become better next weekend!!!!

Have a good night there,

PJK - Peter said...

Well Paul not much on the bands today. Lets hope the weekend brings in better conditions. A bit unusual this morning, i was listening a few minutes before going towork, and the MW band was open in East West direction. I heard a few stations between 1600 - 1700 kHz, but to difficult to ID. maybe Spanish language, it's hard to tell. Then must be conditions from central or South America, received on the little Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antenna. WOW!

Good night ans see you soon.