Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday 12/2

1653:  R Barones  at 0137 UTC, Dragon slayer, SINPO 3523 2-3

5820:  Orion R  at 0903 UTC, instrumental-mx, SINPO 24321

6219:  Bluestar R  at 1712 UTC, pop and Dutch-mx, SINPO 34333

6374,3:  R Caroline  at  1717 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 45334

6420  Franco R  at 1719 UTC, Russian pop?, polka, ID at 1824 UTC, SINPO 45334, Black Bandit

6510:  R Rising Sun  at 1721 UTC, Dolly Parton – Jolene, SINPO 25222

6920:  Baltic Sea R  at 0942 UTC, in LSB mode, Kaoma – Lambada, SINPO 45444, c/d 0944 UTC

6930:  Irish Music R  at 1805 UTC,, SINPO 24222 

12257,1:  Wrekin R int  at 0846 UTC, weak music, SINPO 24221


Anonymous said...

Hi Peter,

thanks aagain for any log of us there and the really nice SINPO!!!!!!
Greetings to your dogs and please "survive rest of this winter" there,

Best wishes,
R.Caroline International.

PJK - Peter said...

Yes nice, one of the better signals today. Not so cold here the last days only a few degrees below 0, and the little dog could spend some longer time outside. But then more snow fall in the night.

Have a nice evening
Greetings Peter