Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday 31/10

1624,7:  R Wadloper at 2014 UTC, Sweet – Ballroom Blitz, SINPO 35333

1629:  R Calypso ?  at 2328 UTC, QSO ? jodel, SINPO 35333

1647:  R Noordzee at 2334 UTC, country-mx, SINPO 25332

3905,4:  R Ascona at 2017 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 2432 1-2

6282:  Tip and Elvis at 2022 UTC, Nena – 99 Luftballons, SINPO 35333

6304,8:  R Merlin int at 1705 UTC, oldies, SINPO 2-3 422 1-2

6325,9:  Fun R at 1713 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 2-3 522 1-2

6545:  R Powerliner at 2026 UTC, Pet Shop Boys ? SINPO 2532 1-2

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday 30/10

6294,9:  R Mazda  at 1937 UTC, ID, oldies, SINPO 45434, c/d 1943 UTC

Tuesday 30/10 DRM on 11 meter

DRM on 11 meter received today with EasyPal software. On frequency 27.730 USB at 1353 UTC.



121030161248-0037-35v (2)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday 29/10

1620:  R Relmus  at 1933 UTC, AC/DC – T.N.T, SINPO 45444

6207,1:  R Caroline  at 1638 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 2422 1-2

6304,6:  R Luxemburg  at 1942 UTC, Amy McDonald – I wish i knew you before, SINPO 33332

6325:  Oltimer R  at 1939 UTC, oldies, SINPO 35222

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday 28/10

1620:  UNID  at 1702 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 35232

6211:  R Sluwe Vos  at 1635 UTC, rock-mx, ID, SINPO 35433

6240:  R Elvis & Tip  at 1639 UTC, Beatles, SINPO 45444

6285:  UNID  at 0047 UTC, oldies, SINPO 25332

6290,7:  R Caroline/Rainbow  at 1642 UTC, The Pretenders – I stand by you, SINPO 33333

6304,8:  R Merlin int  at 1657 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 35222

6525:  R Pink Panther  at 1650 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 2422 1-2

15060:  Mike R  at 0033 UTC, instrumental-mx, ID, SINPO 35433

21520:  Borderhunter R  at 0838 UTC, Kim Wilde, Jump for joy, SINPO 3532 2-3

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday 27/10

6215,1:  R Zomerzon  at 1707 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 2422 1-2

6289,9:  R Mazda  at 1642 UTC, ID, oldies, SINPO 34333

6294,9:  R Twentana  at 1710 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 2332 1-2

6305,6:  R Luxemburg  at 1655 UTC, oldies, SINPO 34333

6325,8:  R Caroline  at 1609 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 45333

6525:  R Pink Panther  at 1553 UTC, music, SINPO 24221

15071,8:  R Bluestar  at 0736 UTC, Little Richard – Lucille, SINPO 25322

21520:  Pirate R Boston  at 1557 UTC, country-mx, reading reception reports, SINPO 24322

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday 26/10

1620:  R Sterrekijker  at 1919 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 34222

1629:  R Relmus  at 1838 UTC, jodel, SINPO 35242

1645,8:  Vrolijke Mijnwerker  at 2318 UTC, ID, instrumental-mx, SINPO 25222

1654:  Studio 69  at 2030 UTC, polka, SINPO 24232

3930:  UNID  at 2112 UTC, rock-blues in LSB mode, SINPO 2522 1-2

6205:  R Montecarlo  at 1840 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 34232

6274,9:  R Mazda  at 1844 UTC, polka, SINPO 45444

6289,2:  R Rainbow  at 1848 UTC, ID, talking, SINPO 24322

6300:  UNID  at 1238 UTC, music, SINPO 2-3 5232, c/d 1242 UTC

6525:  R Pink Panther  at 1856 UTC, music, SINPO 25221

6545:  R Powerliner int  at 2115 UTC, Abba – Sos, SINPO 35222

6937,5:  Irish Music R  at 1902 UTC, Shirley & The Shirelles - Look What You've Done To My Heart, SINPO 2522 1-2

6969,9:  Mike R  at 1322 UTC, Lucifer – House for sale, SINPO 25222

Thursday 25/10

1629:  UNID  at 2148 UTC, oldies ? SINPO 24221

1638:  R Calypso  at 2146 UTC, polka, SINPO 2-3 4221

3905,1:  R Skyline int  at 1926 UTC, Beatles, SINPO 25322

6289,7:  R Black Arrow  at 1537 UTC, German-mx, Abba, SINPO 2-3 5222

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday 24/10

1628,7:  R Wadloper  at 2101 UTC, pop-mx, The Trashmen – Surfin bird, SINPO 3523 2-3

6240:  R Caroline/Rainbow  at 1717 UTC, pop-mx, ID, SINPO 2-3 4222

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday 23/10

6240,2:  Free R Victoria  at 2123 UTC, ID, pop-mx, SINPO 35333, c/d 2128 UTC

6280,8:  R Elvis  at 1859 UTC, pop-mx, Human league, SINPO 45434

6290,7:  R Caroline ?  at 1721 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 34222

6299,9:  R Mazda  at 1903 UTC, ID, Go your own way, SINPO 35433

6305:  R Twentana  at 1916 UTC, polka, SINPO 24322

6324,9:  R Skywire ?  at 1724 UTC, country-mx, SINPO 2-3 4222

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday 22/10

1654:  Studio 69  at 2104 UTC, polka, SINPO 33332

6289,3:  R Rainbow  at 1854 UTC, ID, talking, SINPO 33222

6305:  Oldtimer R  at 1858 UTC, oldies, SINPO 4543 3-4

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday 21/10

1620:  R Relmus  at 1607 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 35333

1636:  UNID  at 1848 UTC, oldies, SINPO 3423 1-2

1640:  UNID  at 0029 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 3533 2-3

1650:  UNID  at 0031 UTC, polka, SINPO 34333

6207:  R Wittereus ?  at 1853 UTC, oldies, SINPO 24222

6289,4:  R Rainbow  at 1855 UTC, ID, music, SINPO 34222

6300:  Tower R  at 0820 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 2-3 5322

6307,2:  R Onda Caliente ?  at 1617 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 35222

12257,1:  Wrekin R int  at 0826 UTC, oldies, SINPO 25222

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday 20/10

1611:  R Barones  at 2057 UTC, ID, music, SINPO 2423 1-2

1620:  UNID  at 2217 UTC, Dutch talk, SINPO 35222

1629:  R Calypso ?  at 2012 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 34232

1643:  UNID  at 1816 UTC, Dutch, QSO, SINPO 25222

1645:  UNID  at 1626 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 3533 2-3

3905,5:  R Alice  at 1943 UTC, A flock of seagulls – The more you live.. SINPO 25322

6285:  R Spaceshuttle  at 1628 UTC, Finnish-mx, rock, SINPO 55555, 9+35db

6300:  Tower R  at 1557 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 34433

6305:  R Powerliner  at 2115 UTC, Guantanamera, SINPO 34333

6325,8:  UNID  at 1623 UTC, pop-mx, low modulation, SINPO 35443

6920:  R Trans Europe  at 1617 UTC, oldies ?, ID, SINPO 2422 1-2

6937,5:  Irish Music R  at 2008 UTC, In my dreams, Abba, SINPO 24222

21520: Undercover R  at 2024 UTC, talking, music, SINPO 15311

FM log Saturday 20/10

88.0   Bolid FM  0835 UTC, Perm – Russia, pop-mx, S9+, RDS ID: BOLID FM, PI code: 7880

88.3   UNID  at 0822 UTC, Russian, talking, Russian pop, S9+10db

89.8   R Romantika  at 0840 UTC, Perm – Russia, talking, Russian pop, S9+, RDS ID: ROMANTIK, PI code: 7711

Good opening to Russia, distance was approximately 1900km, propagation suddenly disappeared at 0856 UTC.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday 19/10

1620:  R Sterrekijker  at 1911 UTC, polka, SINPO 34222

1629:  R Relmus  at 1839 UTC, oldies, The Loco motion, SINPO 35443

6210:  Over 60 Degree R  at 1916 UTC, USB, testing microphone, SINPO 35443

6211,1:  R Klabautermann  at 1859 UTC, ID, Boney M, Bümchen, SINPO 3532 2-3

6289,4:  R Rainbow  at 1848 UTC, ID, music, SINPO 3333 2-3

6294,8:  R Mazda  at 1845 UTC, oldies, CCR, SINPO 44444

6300,9:  R Mustang  at 1846 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 44444

6325,8:  R Caroline int  at 1854 UTC, ID, pop-mx, SINPO 3433 2-3

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday 18/10

6240:  UNID  at 1810 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 34333

6266,9:  R Luxemburg  at 1759 UTC, ID, only 25w, SINPO 33333

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday 17/10

6207,2:  R City  at 1655 UTC, Girl on fire, ID, SINPO 2-3 4222

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday 14/10

1620:  R Relmus  at 2016 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 25222

6280,9:  R Mazda  at 1741 UTC, ABBA – Sos, SINPO 35333

6287:  R Luxemburg  at 1744 UTC, oldies, SINPO 34333

6325,9:  R Caroline int  at 1747 UTC, rock-mx, SINPO 2-3 4222

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday 12/10

1629:  R Barones  at 2259 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 35333

3905,1:  Skyline int R  at 1922 UTC, music, ID, SINPO 2522 1-2

Thursday 11/10

6293,9:  UNID  at 2117 UTC, Dutch-mx ?, SINPO 2422 1-2

Wednesday 10/10

6300:  R Luxemburg  at 1715 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 45333

6319,6:  R BNA ?  at 1718 UTC, rock-mx, SINPO 35222

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday 7/10

1625:  UNID  at 0034, Beatles, SINPO 4543 3-4

1625:  R Korenklopper  at 0040 UTC, pop, QSO, SINPO 34222

6209,7:  UNID  at 0048 UTC, pop-mx ? SINPO 2522 1-2

6240,1:  Free R Victoria  at 2116 UTC, Abba – I do i do i do, SINPO 35323

6285,4:  UNID  at 0050 UTC, talking, pop, SINPO 25222

6305,2:  R Lowland  at 1632, Pretty woman, ID, SINPO 3432 2-3

6525:  R Pink Panther  at 1638 UTC, oldies, SINPO 2-3 422 1-2

12257:  Wrekin R int  at 0822 UTC, weak talking, music, SINPO 25221

15069,8:  Blue Star R  at 1647 UTC, ID, reggae-mx, SINPO 25322

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday 6/10

1611:  R Schaduwjager  at 2118 UTC, rock-mx, SINPO 25232

1628:  R Barones  at 2114 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 34332

6209,8:  UNID  at 2151 UTC, music, SINPO 25221

6240,8:  R Ascona  at 2142 UTC, Culture Beat – Mr. Vain, SINPO 2-3 5322

6285,4:  UNID  at 2157 UTC, Blues, SINPO 35222

6305,1:  UNID  at 2122 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 2422 1-2

6300,1:  R Golfbreker  at 2128 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 35433

6325:  R Black Power  at 1649 UTC, rock-mx, German-pop, SINPO 44344

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday 5/10

1620:  UNID  at 1905 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 34232

1629:  R Relmus  at 1919 UTC, music, SINPO 35333, sudden c/d, back again later

1658:  UNID  at 1916 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 35232

6206:  Over 60 Degree R  at 2017 UTC, in USB mode, Beatles, ID, SINPO 35333

6289,3:  R Rainbow  at 1840 UTC, ID, Plastic Bertrand

6289,3:  Pony R  at 2019 UTC, ID, pop-mx, SINPO 45434

6294,5:  R Boomerang  at 1922 UTC, instrumental-mx, SINPO 45444

6300,8:  R Sallanse Boer  at 2015 UTC, Dutch talk, SINPO 3523 2-3

6301:  UNID  at 1950 UTC, Modern Talking, SINPO 45344, c/d 1955 UTC, back later but to much QRM then

6307:  UNID  at 1948 UTC, SINPO 35322, 60’s music ?

6307,1:  R City  Czech Rep. at 1842 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 45434

6942,5:  Irish Music R  at 1913 UTC, weak music, SINPO 24221

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday 4/10

1642:  R Noordzee  at 2153 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 3533 2-3

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday 3/10

1623,7:  R Wadloper  at 2059 UTC, ID, Trashmen – Surfin bird, SINPO 35443