1620: UNID at 1905 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 34232
1629: R Relmus at 1919 UTC, music, SINPO 35333, sudden c/d, back again later
1658: UNID at 1916 UTC, Dutch-mx, SINPO 35232
6206: Over 60 Degree R at 2017 UTC, in USB mode, Beatles, ID, SINPO 35333
6289,3: R Rainbow at 1840 UTC, ID, Plastic Bertrand
6289,3: Pony R at 2019 UTC, ID, pop-mx, SINPO 45434
6294,5: R Boomerang at 1922 UTC, instrumental-mx, SINPO 45444
6300,8: R Sallanse Boer at 2015 UTC, Dutch talk, SINPO 3523 2-3
6301: UNID at 1950 UTC, Modern Talking, SINPO 45344, c/d 1955 UTC, back later but to much QRM then
6307: UNID at 1948 UTC, SINPO 35322, 60’s music ?
6307,1: R City Czech Rep. at 1842 UTC, pop-mx, SINPO 45434
6942,5: Irish Music R at 1913 UTC, weak music, SINPO 24221
Hi Peter,
greetings from here and please try to have any nice weekend with your two dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow any other dog from Poland come sto me and I will try to give such dog (8years old) any good home, not far away from here.
You're doing a great job Paul.
Many greetings
Peter and the dogs
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